"Truba (Pipeline)," a 2013 documentary directed by Vitaly Manskiy, was the first screening in the RSW Documentary Film Series: "Power, Poetics, and Play: Documenting Soviet Legacies." “Pipeline” is a travelogue looking at the lives of the communities along the pipeline which transports gas from Siberia to Europe. Professor Margarita Balmaceda (Seton Hall University), author of the new book "Russian Energy Chains: The Remaking of Technopolitics from Siberia to Ukraine to the European Union (Woodrow Wilson Center Series)," provided a pre-screening discussion and a Q&A after the screening, in a conversation moderated by IU Professor Michael DeGroot. This film screening was part of the Fall 2021 Themester programming on the IUB campus exploring the theme of RESILIENCE.
The film is in Russian and German with English subtitles.
Sponsored by the Russian Studies Workshop, Robert F. Byrnes Russian and East European Institute, Themester, the Center for Documentary Research and Practice, the Department of Anthropology, and the Department of History.